Sergeant Sauce Spicy

Sergeant Sauce Spicy

Get ready to elevate your spicy experience with our Sergeant Sauce Spicy. This blend offers a slightly heightened kick. With its sweet, smoky essence and a tad more heat without compromising flavor, it's bound to make every dish more lively. The hint of sweetness marries well with the smoky undertones, giving that extra zing for those who desire a spicier touch.

Just as its less spicy version, the Very Spicy rendition is also a mindful choice for health-conscious enthusiasts. Dive into its powerful flavor without the guilt, as it only contains 20 calories per serving. Proudly GMO and MSG-free, this sauce even brings the benefits of turmeric to the table. Rest easy knowing you're steering clear of harmful saturated fats and excess sodium when you choose this health-focused sauce.

Crafted with the military community at its heart, Sergeant Sauce Very Spicy goes beyond being a mere condiment. It's an ode to courage and a fiesta of robust flavors that leave an impression. Infuse your dishes with its vibrant heat and cherish the robustness of Sergeant Sauce Very Spicy.


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